“Our WMD treaties are working”

Paul Meyer, Senior Fellow

By Paul Meyer
Published by Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Volume 74, 2018 – Special Issue 1: The good news on reducing global risk
January 2, 2018


Visit the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the link below for this article by Paul Meyer, Senior Fellow, which counters the anti-arms control agreement narrative that is currently dominant in the USA.

“Our WMD treaties are working”

Abstract: As new technologies change the face of war, whether and how to pursue arms-control and disarmament treaties is an urgent question. Our past treaties show us that codified commitments can have an influence on state conduct. The author reviews what we can learn from existing agreements on weapons of mass destruction, including the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the Iran nuclear agreement, and the conventions on biological and chemical weapons. Though in some cases they have had more impact than others, these agreements have been effective in curbing the spread and use of our most devastating weapons.



Amb. (Ret) Paul Meyer is Senior Fellow in Space Security, The Simons Foundation; Adjunct Professor of International Studies and Fellow in International Security at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada; and Chair, Canadian Pugwash Group.